You are currently browsing the monthly archive for November 2008.

If I don’t do it now, I won’t ever (see AMVík 08), so…

This is the report of Czech AkiCon 2008. Wooo!

Friday morning. I finish Honey and Clover II at 2AM and decide to take a nap. Who knows, I might need it. I wake up at 8 AM, take a bath (I’ll need that as well) and then haunt a train to the Prague. I sleep in the coupé as well.

14:00, I arrive to the place. Cultural Centre Garden.

14:45, the estimated meeting time, the first set of organisators comes and finds me, frozen to death meets me, reading book by Japanese authors. Nice, warm inside of the building awaits me. (It was opened all along, but who cares, there was nice sun outside!)

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I have finished Honey and Clover and… man, was it good!

Currently watching the second season.

In the meantime, enjoy the following two AMVs from my creation times:

This one is made from Narcissu which I reviewed some time ago.

And one hommage to my favourite character from Hidamari Sketch, Sae!

In other news, I have some family problems nobody wants to read about probably, so that’s it for today.

(I should find more things to blog about. And more time and will to do so as well. Sigh.)

It’s results time.

First – Kagami Hiiragi becomes the SaiMoe winner of 2008!

What is moe?

Congratulations, Kagamin!

Tsukasa put up a good fight, even led for the first few hours, but Kagami managed to pull away and to win 1016-959 on votes… so narrow… missed a ball :<

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I am currently working, so I’ll keep it short.

Super Moe has begun. There are currently four groups in vote.

My votes being:

– Louise (I feel some weird sympathy for her)

– Miku (Mikuuuu~)

– Tamaki Kousaka (hard group, with both Lelouche and C.C. in it ^^;; )

– Shinji (why not?)

Go and vote now!

(*gets back to work*)


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